Intel launched three new chips for mobiles

Intel is well charged and armed up for the Mobile World Congress. Let's look at the past. Intel had a monopoly in desktop processors and chipsets. It had distanced itself in mobile processors. The reason was not known. When everyone was changing ship to earn sweet revenues from mobile and cloud, Intel had some different plans. It had forecasted that mobile world would not sustain but it was proved wrong. They did not focus on mobile technologies rather kept with their same typical processors. Profits turned down in desktop business as people moved from big machines to mobile. It gave them the same power,functionality and saved time because they were portable. Intel failed to realize this and predicted that mobiles won't last longer but it has itself become a large industry. Wrong analytics created a big hole into their business. Better late than never. Intel started producing its own mobiles and also helped Xolo and many local companies with the chipsets but they were too late. The market was already captured by Qualcomm and Mediatek.
In the last financial year loss of $4.2 billion was accumulated in Intel. They seem to learn from their past mistakes. They have geared up for the Mobile Word Congress by launching new chips which may help in regaining the lost business.

 Three mobile chips will be revealed at MWC by name of Atom. The series includes x3,x5 and x7 mobile chips. X3 or SoFia will be incorporated in cheap smart phones with features of medium performance. Cherry trail is the name of other two chips. They will concentrate on expensive phones which will require coring of multiple processors.
Last year Intel was able to sell 40 million chips. Many big companies like Toshiba,Dell,Acer,HP and many more have accepted the proposal to boost their processors with these chipsets.
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