5 Best Must have apps for any STUDENT-Back to School

As Education system is continuously changing, expenses are rising day by day, a student has to cope up with the changes and never miss the deadline. These can become frustrating if not handled properly.
Never want to miss a deadline or mess up with your expenses and survive through education and still have fun?
You just need to have these 5 kick ass apps on board in order to make your college and stressful teenage life easier.

1)The best note taking app--Yup you all know
We have all heard teachers saying be present in class (not physical presence), be attentive. We collegians, its in our genes to sleep during the lectures. But its also important to have the concept understood, right?
Here is why a voice note is important - staying awake during that important lecture after an all-nighter might not be humanly possible. It's okay. Sleep and pretend to concentrate and listen to the real thing later on. Or at times, you might not want to write things. Use technology to save the day!
The best thing is the cross platform availability which syncs to practically all your devices.


College means expense literally and that is huge expense list ranging from travelling, parties, night outs, dinners, notes and other "N" no. of things. So the question is "How to make sure we don't cross the border?"
Use Toshl finance to manage your money. Make tags to organize your stuff and that syncs in the cloud to make you stay across different devices.
Prepare and manage your budget smartly!


There was a time when we use to carry those big fat Oxford dictionary to schools. Every one needs a dictionary. Now we have moved to portable, no need to Google. You can download the dictionary and thesaurus once and use it in offline mode whenever in word crisis.


OneDrive is a cloud storage that practically saves all your important stuff like college photos, documents, important assignment and can be synced across all your devices that is tablets, smartphones, PC, Xbox etc. No more carrying DVDs and Pendrives. For hardcore Google Lovers Google Drive is an option.

5) My Study Life

We all used to have a timetable book for the whole week schedule like at the end of the School Diary or at our study table pin boards! Ah what amazing times we had before technology! 
No more pin boards required. No more paper planners.
Organize your lectures, classes, tasks, exams, assignment, revision and never forget it again thanks to 'My Study Life'.

All the best! Work HARD+SMART. 
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