YANDEX complains Against Google

Russian Internet Company "YANDEX" says that the Android users are being compelled to use google services like "Google Search". Yandex has filed a complaint to Federal Antimonopoly Service [FAS].
Bundling google services with Android also makes it difficult to install competitive services on high-end mobile devices! Lodging such complains has created predicaments to Google in Russia.
Yandex is unhappy because it is unable  to install its pre-services in Android phones because Google being owner of Android, it is compulsory to install entire bundle of Google GMS services which makes google search as default search engine on every Android device!

Google will shortly issue a public response to it. For the time being Russian company said:
    "Google's practices relating to Android have been the subject of investigations and lawsuits in many jurisdictions around the world.
   Google is the owner of Android, the dominant global mobile operating system. Many believe that Android is an open platform.
   In reality, manufacturers of Android-powered devices are locked into the proprietary Google Play application store and closed APIs. In order to install Google Play on their devices, device manufacturers are required to preinstall the entire suite of Google GMS services, and set Google as the default search.
   In addition to that, device manufacturers are increasingly prohibited from installing any services from Google’s competitors on their devices."

"Yandex" which is the largest search Engine of Russia fairly demands:
   "We believe that user-centric services, such as search, maps, email, etc., should be unbundled from the Android OS. It is essential to return to a level playing field where competition is over quality of products and services rather than bundling and pre-installation."

Google is anyways facing predicaments from USA and Russia and it looks like a battle!

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