I am not connected to internet. Nobody can hack me (Sorry you still can be screwed)

I am not connected to internet. Nobody can hack me(Sorry you still can be screwed)
Researchers at Georgia Tech University just proved that.
Alenka Zajic and Milos Prvulovic are researchers at Georgia Tech who are responsible for this ground breaking study.They wanted to learn about computer when its not intentionally sending anything.They were shocked to know that the host computer did transmit signals even if the internet were turned off.This lead them to research about side band signals.

In electronic transmission of signals both receiver and sender must be modulated on a similar frequency or amplitude or wavelength. In electronic transmission of signal waves a side band can be below or above the basic baseband signal. So there are three bands- Upper Sideband,Baseband and Lower Sideband. In amplitude transmission both side bands are used to carry a message.
These sideband signals are emitted even during the smallest jobs done on the computer. Imagine you are spell checking your project and a nearby antenna can access all your hard work just because of your side band signals.They are emitted even on a keyboard press or opening an application. So beware next time when you are entering your password.

Using this flaw it was reported that hackers can read all your texts and also spy your private calls.

Depending upon the heaviness of the operation the processor demands amount of current accordingly. Complex operations use high current and small jobs like spell checker use less energy. This creates fluctuations in the current inflow which can be measured. Instructions executed on processor generated a different type of waveform than things done on memory and thus there is interaction between the two.

A spy computer can measure side channel emissions several feet away from the host. The various spying methods known are as follows:-

Emissions from the host computer can be received by hidden antenna but they need to be electromagnetic. An antenna enclosed in a briefcase can easily hack.

Microphones of the size of a thumb may be beneath your table which could store the acoustic emissions produced by capacitors

A fake battery charger plugged adjacent to laptops power converter may deduce the power changes on host computer. This helps hackers imagine the activity done on the host computer.
The precautions that we could take:-

Beware of your surrounding. Report any strange objects which can be camouflaged or hidden.

Make sure the public networks you use are well encrypted.

Try buying computers that make less noise so fewer side band signals

Seriously the hands of a user are tied. Its not possible to remove side bands.

The solution is that make those signals more weak so hackers have to use stronger antenna.

Research is going on to correct this flaw. Currently no side channel attacks have been reported. Honestly speaking it can happen anytime. Who knows you may be spied now?

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