Google plans to knock down Apple Pay with its new service 'Plasco' which will replace Google Wallet.

The competition to bring out a better pay system is getting tougher day by day. In 2011,Google had launched its payment assistance app called the Google wallet but soon after Apple's Apple Pay which hit the markets last October, the app got overshadowed. But mind you, Google isn't one of those companies that would accept the competition so quietly. According to new reports, Google is all set to roll out a new pay service for its customers.

The new service has been titled as 'Plasco'. It is indeed a step ahead of all the other payment portals that we have experienced so far. According to the rumors, the Plasco app has been designed in such a way that users don't even need to take out their phones from their pocket. Shocking, isn't it? The app will automatically activate when one enters a store where the Bluetooth is already on. At the time of payment, the users just need to go to the cash counter and utter out their initials. After which the payment would be made automatically.

This service works on a app and will be provided to the retailers by Google. Once a 'Plasco' user enters the store, the retailer will be notified on his system and the payments can be made easily. Without a doubt, the system seem to be too user-friendly and secure as well. Right now google is testing this app and it seems there's some time before we actually come to know and explore more features of this great feature.

We at TechWreck eagerly wait for the release of this new feature and will keep you guys updated with all that we come across. So keep checking this space for more exciting updates about the Google Plasco.
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