10 Reasons Why Android Is Better Than iOS

We all know that the mobile technology has gone under tremendous changes in the last few years with various Operating Systems coming into picture such as Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry. Among these Operating Systems Android and iOS were the first ones to define an ordinary phone as a SMARTPHONE and their rivalry has been going on for years since its inception. And both of them having been fighting to outdo one another and it is impossible to say which is better as each one has features that has clear benefits over the other and each one has some features that lag over the other.
But the fundamental thought over buying a Smartphone is to find out which platform is better for the user.
Google's Android an Apple's iOS have been pitted against each other in such a way that helps user identify the key differences between each other and also select better platform for their Smartphone. Even with Apple's iOS palpably loading many of the Android's features like the Notifications Panel, it still misses on some of what the users crave for in any Operating System. Here are 10 reasons in an Android phone that makes it better buy than an iPhone.

1. Choice

If you want to buy an Android phone, you have number of choice and OEM's(Original Equipment Manufacturer) like Samsung, LG, Motorola, Xiaomi etc but if you are buying an iPhone you can only buy the currently available flagship version (iPhone 6) or previous versions. There are some users for whom the battery is important, there are some for whom camera is important. Android has something in store for everyone.

2. Expandable Memory

I agree that Apple has iPhone's with as much as 128 GB of memory but that iPhone 6 will cost you around $849 or the iPhone 6 Plus that costs $949 while you can get Android phones around $300-600 with 8 GB memory and a 64 GB Memory Card costing around $30. Imagine how much you can save and you can buy as many cards as you want

3.  Widgets

 Yes, Apple has finally relented in integrating Widgets in its Notifications Panel but its too late as Android Users have been using the Widgets in Home Screen as well as Lock Screen since ages and the good thing is that most widgets come bundled with the app downloaded from the Play Store.

4. Installing Apps From Anywhere

This is hands down one of the best features of Android as you can install Apps from anywhere you want. For Example you can type "play.google.com" from your PC's browser, log into your Google Account and download any app you wish into the phone linked with that account. This feature doesn't exist in iOS as the iTunes App Store isn't available for web. You can also take APK's from Bluetooth or by downloading third party apps like "My App Sharer" which will help you share apps. Even this feature doesn't exist in the iOS.

5. Interface Customization

iOS 8 has pretty neat interface modifications but don't we all know that the basic interface hasn't changed over the years as the user still has to cycle through various screens to find the apps and they can't even change the icons or customize the way their screen appears.
On the other hand, in Android, users can customize the apps or screen however they want like moving the icons, hiding them or transferring them to the Home Screen. And if this isn't enough, Android has some awesome Launcher Apps that can help users customize the screen in any  way they want.

6. Integration With Google Ecosystem

Apple has introduced iCloud, Maps, iCloud Drive and even its own productivity suite but all of these are not even remotely no match to Google when it comes to web based services and products. Personally, I think that Apple won't ever be able to match Google in this Segment.

7. Easy Multitasking

We all know how easy it is to multitask in Android with split screen multitasking available mandatory with the Samsung and LG phones. With Samsung calling it "Multi Window Mode" and LG calling it "Dual Window Mode" but we know that both do exactly the same thing which is to allow the user to use two apps simultaneously. This feature is something that every large-screened phone or tablet should have to make it easier to dash the between apps. 

8. App Management 

In Settings Menu, under the Application Manager, the user can do anything it wants to do with the app like uninstalling it, clear the cache of the data, view how much storage an app takes up. The best among all these is that the user can change the default for an app. For Example, If the user wants to change the default for video watching from the in-built player to any other app it can do. 
iOS lags behind Android in this feature as you have to uninstall the apps from iTunes or long pressing the app and click on the cross ( x ) button. User cannot even change the default browser from Safari to any other app.

9. Maps

Apple's Maps have been better since its catastrophic launch with iOS 6 but the Maps still don't tell the user how much time it will take the user to reach the destination by any modes of transportation other than walking. Google offers the timing to reach the destination from Car, Bus, Train or even Walking. With Uber Integration, the user can call for a ride when in a fix.

10. Security

iPhone has 4 Number PIN Password, Fingerprint Scan or swiping the bar to unlock the phone. Android definitely offers more choices. For Example, user can enter more than 4 Number Pin Password. Can any join any pattern traces in any direction in  a grid of dots to unlock the phone, using a super long password or even using your face to unlock the phones. With all of these techniques failing and if you lose your device then you can track it down with the web-based Android Device Manager.
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