Google buys Toro - A Facebook marketing startup

Google just bought a marketing startup by the name of Toro. It specializes in marketing brands which are new in the market and helping them create a perfect strategy on Facebook. Toro basically helps app programmers nurture and boost their apps on the biggest social advertising media - Facebook. Its difficult to shoutout on Facebook and tell everyone about your mobile app. Toro makes your task simple by creating successful and powerful campaigns. The startup was founded three years ago and there is no looking back after that.
Toro has a dashboard which optimizes your budget and bids automatically to suit the app and company's requirements. This has resulted in change in performance of upto 70%. Google saw it as a perfect recipe for boosting its Mobile Ads Team progress by adding them to the family. Facebook's revenues from ads where enormous. Google was leading the race but was falling short of innovation. It was a perfect place to fill in the employees of Toro rather than hiring new employees.

Toro was founded by Amit Mahajan and Joel Poloney. Red Hot Labs was the original name of the company. They worked together earlier in a startup company called MyMiniLife which played a major role in development of Farmville.
Toro's main objective was to create easy and successful ad campaigns on Facebook. Its software automatically soaked tested various campaigns and gave them the most suitable one. Companies like Bee Cave Games, Burner and miDrive are their big and happy clients.
No figures regarding the deal were disclosed. Google agreed to acquiring Toro. A funding of around $1.5 million was done to Toro
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