Google to launch Android Pay at I/O

Google has been trying to push its mobile and online payment options over the past couple of years, but still hasn't implemented a universal payment mechanism for Android users. However, that could be about to change this year, as sources are suggesting that Google will announce a new payment API, named Android Pay, at its I/O conference in May.

After the hype created by Apple by launching the Apple Pay along with their flagship iPhone 6 and the Plus version, Google was surely convinced that such a payment method would succeed in the market and it wasn't a gamble.

Interestingly, the source states that Android Pay and Google Wallet APIs will continue to co-exist side by side, but that Wallet will be supported by Android Pay. Google Wallet’s existing “Instant Buy API”, for example, already allows for app developers to implement a “Buy with Google” button, but this could be integrated to receive payments from both of Google’s services.

Do you think Google will succeed with this? Tell us in the comments section below!
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