Worlds first hands-free Smartphone for the disabled

Using a smartphone seemed a easy cup of tea for most of us but for some it wasn’t that easy.Imagine yourself using a smartphone with a restriction of not using your hand.Something which is nearly impossible.Today finally after so many advances in the telecom industry and technology,we now have a hands-free smartphone for the disabled.An Israeli Company has developed a smartphone which can allow users to control the phone with their head movements.

The smartphone is created by a Israeli firm named ‘Sesame Enable ‘ and is designed for people who have spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other disabilities  that hamper the use of hands. The phone is equipped with an advanced computer algorithm and a front facing camera that can control the head movements of the user and help them control the cursor on the screen.The cursor is basically a virtual finger which enables users to control the phone like any other smartphone and hence meet their purpose.

This phone costs $1,000.It recently won a ‘Verizon Powerful Answers’ Award which gave them a prize money of $ 1 Million.This phone has been developed by Giora Livne who himself is disabled. Livne says that this phone shifted his life from stone age to the smartphone age. Livne now plans to give away 30 smartphones to people with disabilities nominated by their peers.
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