Sony to launch 64GB Memory Card worth $160.

Ever heard of a 64GB memory card worth $160? Yeah you got me right. 160 Dollars for a 64GB memory card. Would you agree spending so much? Well sony does believe that people will be buying this Memory Card worth 160$.

According to Sony, this memory card has the potential to reduce electrical noise while reading data and hence give you a better experience while listening to music. But there are no vaible proofs for this. Why would somebody buy Memory card worth 160 $(INR 9,800) when a average 64 GB class 10 Memory card costs you something above 2k in the market. Sony has proclaimed the use of this Memory card as - made for "Premium Sound". Now you might be thinking that how does this work technically? Well, Sony hasnt mentioned anything regarding the technology. Also to add to the insult, one of the spokesperson  has said that they themselevs arent sure about the products demand.Sony confused?? 

Basically its pretty worthless spending so much of money on a Memory Card which has no viable proof of its features. 

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